
2024 North Central LCT Presentations
Contact: Neil Knobloch nknobloc@purdue.edu 

Please login to make a submission or review a submission. 

North Central AAAE Research Conference
National Conference on Learner-Centered Teaching
October 2 - 4, 2024
Tulsa, OK

An ongoing relationship: This collaborative partnership combines three groups into one integrated conference: the 2024 North Central AAAE Conference, the National Conference on Learner-Centered Teaching (NCLCT), and the M.E.N.T.O.R. Convening.

NCLCT and M.E.N.T.O.R. Project is largely composed of Historically Black Colleges & Universities. This will be a great opportunity to create and explore new partnerships in the broadly defined field of agricultural education.

Call for Abstracts


Abstract Submission Format

  • Prepare abstract in Acrobat (PDF) format. Word files are subject to automatic rejection.
  • NO COVER PAGE. The author information will be entered in the submission form when uploading the narrative. (Make sure ALL authors are listed on submission form.)
  • Abstract can be a maximum of two pages long plus up to one additional page of references. The abstract must include the title of the abstract as the first line of page 1.
  • The maximum submission length is 3 pages (2 page abstract, 1 page references).
  • Suggested abstract section headings: Introduction & Need for Strategy; Connection to Literature; How It Works & Implementation of Strategy; Results to Date / Implications / Impact; Future Plans / Advice to Others; and References
  • Document must be formatted in 12-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced, with 1” margins. A word template is available on the website. SEE WEBSITE FOR FORMATTING DETAILS. (aaaeonline.org/poster)
  • To facilitate a blind review, the author’s name or other significant identifying information should not appear in the two-page abstract narrative.
  • Abstracts not conforming to the required submission guidelines or format may be rejected prior to the review process.

Abstract Submission Deadline

LCT Presentation narrative proposals are due Friday, June 29, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. CDT.

Abstract Submission Procedures

Proposals must be submitted using the online form available here: http://aaae.agedweb.org/ Please click on the link labeled “2024 North Central LCT Presentations” Submit the abstract in Acrobat (PDF) format only. Your first submission MUST NOT CONTAIN a cover page. Follow the outlined abstract format guidelines above.


  • If the presentation is accepted, authors will resubmit the narrative with a cover page added that will then be included in the conference proceedings. Further instructions will be sent to accepted authors. – A cover page will only be required on accepted posters.)
  • The cover page should contain the following information and be centered on the page—poster abstract title, author name, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address of the authors.

Contact Information:

Dr. Neil Knobloch, nknobloc@purdue.edu & Dr. Rama Radhakrishna, rbradhak@purdue.edu

** The National LCT initiative is a collaborative effort between Langston University and Purdue University. **


Anticipated Timeline

Submissions Open:  6/8/2023
Submission Deadline:  6/28/2024 9:59:00 PM (pacific time)
Review Deadline:  7/30/2024
Anticipated Review Completion:  8/5/2024
Accepted Final Copy Deadline:  9/8/2024
Proceedings Available:  10/2/2024
Submission Status | Review Status | Evaluation Criteria  

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Event Manager: Ryan Anderson webmaster: Mike Spiess