
Agricultural Teacher
Supply and Demand

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Data and Report Descriptions

How Data is Collected?

Annually teacher educators at institutions with Agricultural Education teacher preparation programs were invited to provide supply data, while state supervisors/executive secretaries were invited to provide demand data. Both supply and demand instruments were developed in Qualtrics and distributed via email.     Multiple follow-up requests were made to each non-respondent and alternate contacts in some cases. 

In many cases not all sections of the survey were completed.   Incomplete sections are excluded on section specific queries (e.g., race, reasons for teachers leaving). 

Data may be extracted using the queries, charts, or maps described below.  


Supply & Demand HighlightsHighlights of the study. Includes AAAE and NAAE regions. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff. Supply data provided by teacher preparation institutions. Note that a state missing supply or demand reporting in a particular year will not be shown in this query. Some states did not report all data.
Supply & DemandDemand data provided by state agricultural education staff. Supply data provided by teacher preparation institutions. Note that a state missing supply or demand reporting in a particular year will not be shown in this query. Some states did not report all data.
Supply & Demand Survey Response RatesThe response rates of the surveys by year.
Supply & Demand GenderGender of teachers (demand) and program completers (supply). Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff. Supply data provided by teacher preparation institutions. Note that a state missing supply or demand reporting in a particular year will not be shown in this query. Some states did not report all data.
Supply & Demand RaceRace of teachers (demand) and program completers (supply). Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff. Supply data provided by teacher preparation institutions. Note that a state missing supply or demand reporting in a particular year will not be shown in this query. Some states did not report all data.
ShortfallDemand Metric = Ag Teachers Not Returning to SBAE + New Positions - Positions Lost. Shortfall-1=Demand Metric-Program Completers. Shortfall-2 = Demand Metric-Program Completers employed in state. Yield_in_State=Employed in state / Program Completers. Also reports vacant positions. Note that a state missing supply or demand reporting in a particular year will not be shown in this query. Some states did not report all data. Missing data is treated as a zero.
Demand MetricTeachers Lost - Positions Lost + New Positions. Note at all data needs to be present for the metric to be calculated. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff.
Teachers CrosstabCrosstabulation of teachers in states reporting by year. Year cannot be selected. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff.
Lost Positions & ProgramsNumber of programs/ position lost. Teaching positions lost by reason. Teachers leaving the profession by reason. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff. Supply data provided by teacher preparation institutions.
Demand Reasons for LeavingReasons for teachers leaving the profession.
Programs and TeachersSummary of programs and teachers . Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff.
Programs by NAAE RegionSummary by NAAE region of reported programs and teachers with teacher demographics by Year. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff.
Programs by AAAE RegionSummary by AAAE region of reported programs and teachers with teacher demographics by Year. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff.
Common MetricsA query of demand data with common metrics like attrition rate, mobility rate, retention rate, and the S&D replacement rate. Teacher total from the prior year is used. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff. Attrition Rate = Leaving Teachers / Total Teacher, Mobility Rate = Teachers Moving / Total Teacher, Retention Rate = 1 - Attrition Rate, S&D Replacement Rate = (Teachers Leaving + New Positions-Lost Positions) / Total Teacher.
Program CrosstabCrosstabulation of programs in states reporting by year. Year cannot be selected. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff.
Teacher RaceGender and Race of teachers. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff.
States Reporting Demand DataCrosstab by Year/State. Year cannot be selected. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff.
Source of New HiresSources of new teachers. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff.
Teacher GenderGender and Race of teachers. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff.
Supply Institution ListCross tabulation list of institutions reporting by state. Year cannot be selected.
Supply Institutions ReportingCrosstab of reporting institutions by State/Year. Year cannot be selected. Supply data provided by teacher preparation institutions.
Program Completer GenderGender of program completers. Supply data provided by teacher preparation institutions.
Program Completer RaceRace of program completers. Note for this query Hispanic/Latino is treated as race. Supply data provided by teacher preparation institutions.
Supply by AAAE RegionsSummary by region. State cannot be selected. Supply data provided by teacher preparation institutions.
Supply by NAAE RegionsSummary by region. State cannot be selected. Supply data provided by teacher preparation institutions.
State Program Completer YieldYield = program completers employed in SBAE / total program completers. Supply data provided by teacher preparation institutions.
Program Completer Employment PlansNumber of Program Completers and Employment plans reported by teacher preparation programs.
Teacher Preparation TypeType of program completer preparation (UG, Grad, 5th Year, or License Only)
All Supply DataAll supply data summarized by year and state. Supply data provided by teacher preparation institutions.
All Demand DataAll demand survey data. Demand data provided by state agricultural education staff.


ProgramsThe number of school based agricultural education programs reported by each state.
TeachersThe number of school based agricultural education teachers (positions) reported by each state.
Teachers Historical DataThe number of school based agricultural education teachers (positions) reported by each state. Includes historical data from past reports. Note: Dip in early 2000's was primarily a result of low response rates.
Teachers per ProgramTotal Teachers / Total Programs (demand)
DemandDemand is calculated as new positions + leaving teachers - lost positions reported by each state.
ShortfallShortfall compares demand to program completers taking jobs in SBAE. Demand is calculated as new positions + leaving teachers - lost positions reported by each state.
Demand per 1000 TeachersDemand Metric (calculated as new positions + leaving teachers - lost positions reported by each state) per 1000 teachers.
Teachers Leaving per 1000 TeachersThe number of teachers leaving teaching per 1000 teachers (demand).
Sources of New HiresNew hires by source (demand).
Vacant PositionsThe number of full and part time vacant positions reported by the states.
Teacher GenderThe gender of employed teachers (Demand). Shown as a percent of teachers reported.
Teacher Race/EthnicityThe race/ethnicity of employed teachers (Demand). Shown as a percent of teachers reported.
Program Completers Historical DataThe number of program completers reported by the agricultural teacher preparation institutions. Includes historical data from past reports.
Program CompletersThe number of program completers reported by the agricultural teacher preparation institutions.
Program Completer GenderThe gender of program completers reported by the agricultural teacher preparation institutions. Shown as a percent of program completers reported.
Program Completer Race/EthnicityThe race of program completers reported by the agricultural teacher preparation institutions. Shown as a percent of program completers reported.
YieldThe number of program completers employed in SBAE / total program completers.
AAAE Region DemandDemand by AAAE Region. Demand is calculated as new positions + leaving teachers - lost positions reported by each state.
AAAE Region ProgramsPrograms by AAAE region.
AAAE Region Reporting InstitutionsNumber of institutions reporting supply data.
AAAE Region TeachersTeachers by AAAE region.
NAAE Region ProgramsPrograms by NAAE region.
NAAE Region DemandDemand by NAAE Region. Demand is calculated as new positions + leaving teachers - lost positions reported by each state.
NAAE Region TeachersTeachers by NAAE region.
FFA Region DemandDemand by FFA Region. Demand is calculated as new positions + leaving teachers - lost positions reported by each state.
FFA Region ProgramsDemand by FFA Region. Demand is calculated as new positions + leaving teachers - lost positions reported by each state.
FFA Region TeachersDemand by FFA Region. Demand is calculated as new positions + leaving teachers - lost positions reported by each state.


Program CompletersProgram Completers by state (supply)
YieldPC employed by SBAE / Program Completers (supply)
ProgamsPrograms by State (demand)
TeachersTeachers by State (demand)
Teachers per ProgramTeachers program ratio. (demand)
Female TeachersRatio of Female Teachers to All Teachers (demand)
White TeachersRatio of White Teachers to all known race teachers (unknown excluded, demand)
Teachers LeavingTeachers Leaving the Profession (demand)
Demand MetricTeachers Lost - Positions Lost + New Positions (demand)
Program Completers Net ImportNet Import looks at the how many teachers are hired from out of state vs. the number of program completers that are employed out of state. Positive number=importer, negative number=exporter.
Program Completers by AAAE RegionRegions are combined by AAAE region into a total of all states (demand)
Program Completers by NAAE RegionRegions are combined by NAAE region into a total of all states (demand)
Teachers by AAAE RegionRegions are combined by AAAE region into a total of all states (demand)
Teachers by NAAE RegionRegions are combined by NAAE region into a total of all states (demand)
Programs by AAAE RegionRegions are combined by AAAE region into a total of all states (demand)
Programs by NAAE RegionRegions are combined by NAAE region into a total of all states (demand)

Demand Data Fields

Field NameDescription
YearYear. Data collected in the fall as a census of the current year academic year. Ex. 2016 = 2016-2017 AY.
last_nameSubmitter Last Name
First_nameSubmitter First Name
Programs_Lost_TotalThe total number of programs closed in your state between the current and past year
Positions_Lost_TotalThe number of positions lost in your state between the current and past year
Positions_Lost_No_TeachersPositions Lost due to Licensed teacher not available
Positions_Lost_EnrollmentPositions Lost due to Lack of enrollment
Positions_Lost_FundingPositions Lost due to Lack of funding
Positions_Lost_OtherPositions Lost due to Other reason
Positions_Lost_UnknownPositions Lost due to Unknown reason
Teachers_Leaving_TotalNumber of agricultural education teachers who left school-based Agricultural Education in the past year
Teachers_leaving_AgribusinessTeachers who for Employment in agribusiness/industry/agency
Teachers_leaving_Production_AGTeachers who left teaching for Employment in production agriculture/farming
Teachers_leaving_Other_SubjectTeachers who left teaching for Employment in another educational content area (outside of Ag Ed)
Teachers_leaving_AdminTeachers who left teaching for Employment as school administrator (Principal, Superintendent, CTE Director, etc.)
Teachers_leaving_ExtensionTeachers who left teaching for Employment in extension/non-formal agricultural education
Teachers_leaving_Adult_EdTeachers who left teaching for Employment in adult education/Farm Business Management
Teachers_leaving_Ag_Ed_LeaderTeachers who left teaching for Employment as Ag Ed leader (District, State supervisor, FFA staff, etc.)
Teachers_leaving_Post-secondaryTeachers who left teaching for Employment in postsecondary education
Teachers_leaving_Continue_EducationTeachers who left teaching for Continuing education/graduate school
Teachers_leaving_Move_Out_of_StateTeachers who Moved out of state (will continue teaching Ag Ed)
Teachers_leaving_Presonal-HealthTeachers who left teaching for Personal reasons: Health
Teachers_leaving_CaregiverTeachers who left teaching for Personal reasons: Stay at home parent/caregiver
Teachers_leaving_RetirementTeachers who left teaching for Personal reasons: Retirement
Teachers_leaving_DeathTeachers who left teaching for Personal reasons: Death
Teachers_leaving_TerminatedTeachers who left teaching because they were not offered a contract/terminated
Teachers_leaving_UnknownTeachers who left teaching for Unknown reasons
Teachers_leaving_Other_ReasonTeachers who left teaching for Other reasons
Total_ProgramsThe number of active program for the current year.
Total_TeachersThe number of School-based Agricultural Education teachers this academic year
FT_TeachersFull-time teachers
PT_TeachersPart-time teachers
Teacher_Gender_FTeachers indentifying as Female
Teacher_Gender_MTeachers indentifying as Male
Teacher_Gender_NBTeachers indentifying as Non-Binary
Teacher_Gender_OtherTeachers indentifying as other then male/female/non-binary
Teacher_Gender_UnknownTeachers of unknown gender
Teacher_Race_AARace - African American/Black, Non-Hispanic
Teacher_Race_AI/ANRace - American Indian/Alaska Native
Teacher_Race_AsianRace - Asian
Teacher_Race_MultiRace - Bi-racial/Multi-racial
Teacher_Race_HispanicRace - Hispanic/Latino
Teacher_Race_NH/PIRace - Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Teacher_Race_WhiteRace - White, Non-Hispanic
Teacher_Race_OtherRace - Other
Teacher_Race_UnknownRace - Unknown
Source_MovedSources of new SBAE hire - Previously licensed Ag Ed teacher; moved to a different school-based Ag Ed program
Source_UG_out_StateSources of new SBAE hire - Newly licensed Ag Ed undergraduate program completer (prepared in-state)
Source_UG_in_StateSources of new SBAE hire - Newly licensed Ag Ed undergraduate program completer (prepared out-of-state)
Source_Grad_in_StateSources of new SBAE hire - Newly licensed Ag Ed graduate program completer (prepared in-state)
Source_Grad_Out_of_StateSources of new SBAE hire - Newly licensed Ag Ed graduate program completer (prepared out-of-state)
Source_AltSources of new SBAE hire - Alternative licensure/route completer. An "alternative licensure/route completer" has met all licensure requirements to teach SBAE, but did not complete a agricultural education teacher education program.
Source_Non_Licensed Sources of new SBAE hire - Non-licensed individual A "non-licensed individual" is someone who has not completed all requirements for teacher licensure. This may include individuals who are pursuing an alternative route to licensure, were hired as a comm
Source_OtherSources of new SBAE hire - Other
Source_UnknownSource of new SBAE hire is Unknown
Non-Licence_Ag_GradNon-Licensed teacher preperation - New agriculture graduates (not an Ag Ed graduate program completer)
Non-Licence_Ed_GradNon-Licensed teacher preperation - New education graduates (not an Ag Ed graduate program completer)
Non-Licence_Other_GradNon-Licensed teacher preperation - Other new graduates (not agriculture or education)
Non-Licence_AgribusinessNon-Licensed teacher preperation - Agribusiness, farming, or industry professional
Non-Licence_EducationNon-Licensed teacher preperation - Education professional (other content area, etc)
Non-Licence_RetiredNon-Licensed teacher preperation - Retired educator
Non-Licence_OtherNon-Licensed teacher preperation - Other preperation
Non-Licence_UnknownNon-Licensed teacher preperation - Unknown preperation
Vacent_FTAs of September 15 how many full-time vacant positions (if any) remain unfilled.
Vacent_PTAs of September 15 how many part-time vacant positions (if any) remain unfilled.
New_PositionsThe number of New/additional positions created in school-based Agricultural Education programs (program expansion from 1 teacher to 2 teachers, etc.)
New_ProgramsThe number of New programs created in school-based Agricultural Education
Avg_Salary_NewAverage total starting salary for beginning teachers in school-based Agricultural Education
Avg_Contract_Length_newAverage contract length for school-based Agricultural Education teachers in your state (days)
FFA_StipendPercentage of school-based Agricultural Education teachers who receive a stipend for FFA advisement (beyond extended contract)

Supply Data Fields

Field NameDescription
YearYear. Data collected in the fall for program competers in the previous academic year. Ex. 2016 = completers for at the end of 2015-2016.
LastLast name of submitter (or both first and last)
FirstFirst name of submitter
Program_CompletersHow many total program completers (those who have fulfilled licensure requirements) in Agricultural Education produced by institution
Employment_in_StateTeaching school-based agriculture in this state
Employment_Out_of_StateTeaching school-based agriculture out of state
Employment_Other_SubjectTeaching another subject
Employment_AgribusinessEmployed in Agribusiness/Industry/Agency
Employment_ExtensionEmployed in Extension/Non-formal agricultural education
Employment_Prod_AgEmployed in Production agriculture/Farming
Graduate_schoolAttending graduate school
MilitaryJoined military
Employment_OtherOther employment
unemployed/undecidedUnemployed and/or Undecided
Employment_UnknownEmployment Unknown
Female_License_OnlyFemale - Licensure only, non-degree/no degree awarded
Female_UG_DegreeFemale - Licensure with Undergraduate/Baccalaureate degree
Female_ 5th_yearFemale - Licensure with Post-baccalureate (5th year program, no additional degree)
Female_Grad Female - Licensure with Graduate degree
Male_License_OnlyMale - Licensure only, non-degree/no degree awarded
Male_UG_DegreeMale - Licensure with Undergraduate/Baccalaureate degree
Male_ 5th_yearMale - Licensure with Post-baccalureate (5th year program, no additional degree)
Male_Grad Male - Licensure with Graduate degree
NB_License_OnlyNon-Binary - Licensure only, non-degree/no degree awarded
NB_UG_DegreeNon-Binary - Licensure with Undergraduate/Baccalaureate degree
NB_ 5th_yearNon-Binary - Licensure with Post-baccalureate (5th year program, no additional degree)
NB_Grad Non-Binary - Licensure with Graduate degree
Female_ AAFemale - African American/Black, Non-Hispanic
Female_ AI/ANFemale - American Indian/Alaska Native
Female_ AsianFemale - Asian
Female_ MultiFemale- Bi-racial/Multi-racial
Female_ HispanicFemale - Hispanic/Latino
Female_ NH/PIFemale - Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Female_WhiteFemale - White, Non-Hispanic
Female_ OtherFemale - Other
Female_ unknown Female - Unknown
Male_ AAMale - African American/Black, Non-Hispanic
Male_ AI/ANMale - American Indian/Alaska Native
Male_ AsianMale - Asian
Male_ MultiMale- Bi-racial/Multi-racial
Male_ HispanicMale - Hispanic/Latino
Male_ NH/PIMale - Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Male_WhiteMale - White, Non-Hispanic
Male_ OtherMale - Other
Male_ unknown Male - Unknown
NB_ AANon-Binary - African American/Black, Non-Hispanic
NB_ AI/ANNon-Binary - American Indian/Alaska Native
NB_ AsianNon-Binary - Asian
NB_ MultiNon-Binary- Bi-racial/Multi-racial
NB_ HispanicNon-Binary - Hispanic/Latino
NB_ NH/PINon-Binary - Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
NB_WhiteNon-Binary - White, Non-Hispanic
NB_ OtherNon-Binary - Other
NB_ unknown Non-Binary - Unknown

Supply Supplemental Data Fields

Collected every 3 years

Field NameDescription
YearYear. Data collected in the fall, every 3 years
Rank_Full_ProfFTE of Full Professors in Ag Education
Rank_Assoc_ProfFTE of Associate Professors in Ag Education
Rank_Asst_ProfFTE of Assistant Professors in Ag Education
Rank_ClinicalFTE of Clinical faculty or Professor of Practice in Ag Education
Rank_InstructorFTE of instructor/lecturer faculty in Ag Education
Rank_Grad_TAFTE of graduate student/teaching assistant in Ag Education
Rank_OtherFTE of other faculty in Ag Education
Appointment_CollegeCollege of faculty appointments
Appointment_OtherOther college (if not common)
UG_Degree_CollegeCollege that houses undergraduate degree
Grad_Degree_CollegeCollege that houses graduate degree
UG_Degree_OtherOther undergraduate college if not common
Grad_Degree_OtherOther graduate college if not common
Grants_BABA Degree Offered in Ag Education
Grants_BSBS Degree Offered in Ag Education
Grants_MAMA Degree Offered in Ag Education
Grants_MSMS Degree Offered in Ag Education
Grants_MagMasters of Ag Degree Offered in Ag Education
Grants_MedMasters of Education Degree Offered in Ag Education
Grants_EdSEducational Specialist Degree Offered in Ag Education
Grants_Other_MastersOther Masters Degree Offered in Ag Education
Grants_EdDDoctor of Education Degree Offered in Ag Education
Grants_Other_Masters_TextOther Masters Degree Offered in Ag Education
Grants_PhDDoctor of Philosophy Degree Offered in Ag Education
Fullfill_RequirementDoes degree fulfill licensure requirements
Other_OptionsOther degree options or specializations offered
ST_Sem_Term_FallOffers Internship (student teaching) Fall Semester
Term_Typeinstitution operates using semesters or quarter
ST_Qtr_term_SummerOffers Internship (student teaching) Summer Quarter
ST_Sem_Term_SpringOffers Internship (student teaching) Spring Semester
ST_Qtr_term_FallOffers Internship (student teaching) Fall Quarter
ST_Qtr_term_SpringOffers Internship (student teaching) Spring Quarter
ST_Qtr_term_WinterOffers Internship (student teaching) Winter Quarter
ST_LenghtInternship (student teaching) length in weeks
ChallengesChallenges facing teacher preparation at institution
Submitted_ByWho submitted the report
Submitted_By_EmailSubmitter's email
Submitted_By_PhoneSubmitter's phone number

Database Updated: 3/27/2024 5:51:32 AM
2023 Data Added (2/24/2024)

Questions about the site can be addressed to Michael Spiess (California State University, Chico)